Looking to replace my old Meridian 508.24

In the process of downsizing speakers (going to the Avalon Ascendants from the Thiel 6s) and replacing/upgrading my cd player. My other equipment are the Sonic Frontier Power 3 monoblocks and a conrad johsnson pre-amp.

I currently have an old Meridian 508.24 and am looking for something to replace it is definitely on its last legs.
Thanks to all for the recommendations. I have a question about the Sony with the modwright modifications. I remember from years ago that one of the problems with Sony was that they discontinued parts relatively quickly and it became a problem if you needed the thing fixed. I had a friend who had what was at that time a top of the line Sony reel to reel player and when he had a problem with it he couldn't get the damned thing fixed. Anyone have any more recent experience trying to get a Sony piece serviced?
Dkonstruction I had an older Sony 999ES Modwright before I got the newer Sony 5400. I had the tray sled replaced and got the parts from Sony. it was several years old at that point.
Unavailability of parts is not a uniquely Sony phenomena. Now if audio companies were like Leica, a company that still fully supports the M3 camera that was introduced, what, 60 years ago?