Your Pick Between These Two...

Room acoustics/size, equipment and musical tastes, all relative, which would you chose?

Joseph Audio Perspectives or Magico A3's

I'll leave it open, as I know there will be a multitude of other offerings. All other suggestions are greatly welcomed as long as you feel they may compete with all the requirements and SQ of the two originals in question. Particularly, if they come in under priced!

What size room and what flavor music?  Then whats your budget for components. Sometimes a sealed box will give you better bass, but a bigger room might need more. 
Yes, I mean't the most recent version of the Cornwall. I have heard the 3's and everyone says the 4's are even better. If you love tube amps these are tops. Add two subwoofers (or more) and you will have a system that will loaf along at concert levels with representative low end which is critical for the "live" effect.
I have heard both, although with different equipment.  If I had to choose between these two, I'd pick the Joseph Audio over the Magico.
I got to hear my music on both the Q7s and the Perspectives in different systems.  Obviously the Q7s are much more speaker and I respected them a lot for what they could do, but I loved the sound and expressiveness of the Perspectives more.  For me, I think there’s something about that JA crossover that just draws me in like no other speaker.  But that’s me.  I think the Vandy Quatro is also worthy of strong consideration in this price range.  Best of luck. 
I love the pulsars and perspectives; some of my favorite speakers in fact.  I have heard both and they draw me (and many others) in like few other speakers can.  With that in mind, the Fritz Carrera BE’ are a match sonically and are very handsome (more so in person than in photos.  It would be wise of you to strongly consider them.  You might be able to demo a pair and then if you fall for them like I did, have Fritz build you a pair in any finish that you heart desires.  You could go all out on an an exotic finish and still be well under what the Joseph Audio’s would  cost you.

I agree with Chorus about Magico; clean sounding but not involving.