Tube Preamp with Solid State Amp?


I’ve seen some folks using Tube Preamps with Solid State Am ps. I’m thinking of doing that with my system as part of an incremental change. I currently have a Parasound P5 preamp with a Parasound A21 driving Klipsch Cornwall 4’s. Will a decent / good Tube Preamp really make a difference in my sound? I enjoy what I have now but really want to experience Tubes in my system. Thanks!
The fellow w/ Daniel Hertz M6L Pre with the Wavac M805 is actually doing it in reverse .  He’s using SS Pre W/ Wavac tube amps.  His Gear so nice it couldn’t sound bad:).   Right now I’m running Class A Omtec CA-25V3 Solid State  Amps with an Uesugi U Bros1 tube Preamp to Drive my ESL Solution’s refurbished Quad 57’s.   It’s the best mating I’ve ever had on the 57’s going back 30 years.
If you just want to dip a toe in tube waters you could add a simple Tube Buffer.In a basic system such as yours it would make an immediate & positive impact on the tone,imaging & staging,cost about $100.00 +-...
Good sound, in concept. I use an ancient (1963) Macintosh C-20 with solid state amps, with my magneplanars. I've tried other preamps, but none sound as clear an accurate as my old Mac. Whatever you do, get a high quality preamp.

If you just want to dip a toe in tube waters"
What does this mean dip your toe I see this expression frequently used commonly on this site and it does not translate at all for me so would appreciate an explanation. thank you!!!!
I've done it both ways; SS pre w/ tube power, and tube pre w/ SS power.  Both have worked depending on the speakers...the most synergistic combo will depend on the surrounding comps, room character and your listening taste.  That's our hobby!  Right now I do as 'oldheavymec' suggests: tube pre split output to SS for woofers and tube power for mids/tweets.  I installed a gain pot on the SS amp to balance things and it locks in nicely. 
My gear: not high end...Chinese Zero-Zone CJ clone pre, hot rod ST70 (VTA driver), Akitika GT102, and home brew speakers with Dayton 7" RS woofs, Morel Twee-mid domes and Dayton crossovers.  1 cu ft enclosure ported to 33 Hz cutoff.  Also have a Dayton 8" powered sub in the low frequency circuit with DSP to add some extra oomph and eliminate any bass slop from the ported woofers when playing vinyl.