Is my perception right or wrong gentlemen?
I think you are more or less right, though I come at it differently in my blog post. You almost tie it all together like I have and state that a subwoofer is like another driver in a speaker system, and that to integrate it well to the speaker is as complicated as making a multi-way speaker system.
And this is why my usual advice is to think about exactly what steps you'll need to get to "done." The easiest answers are preamps and processors with automatic subwoofer configuration, usually a component of room correction, along with appropriate room treatment.
I do believe that the difficulty in integrating a subwoofer is usually under-sold.
You are also perceptive about how big the gap is between home theater and 2 channel in this regard. While 2 channel systems vary greatly, THX specified waaaaay back in the early days of Dolby Pro-Logic, sealed, 80 Hz cabinets for small satellites specifically to address part of this problem.
Subwoofers are marvelous, glorious tools, but getting to done for the average music lover is just a lot harder than consumers and probably many salespeople realize. OTOH, let's face it, 90% of those who buy subs aren't actually trained listeners. They may be perfectly happy with poorly set up subs. I know I tried to be for a long time with my first M&K V1.