If I just use a DAC, do I need a Pre-amp?

I recently asked a Facebook group this same question.  I should have asked audio forum folks first.  Sorry if there is overlap.

If I only use DACs for my amp, why do I need a Pre-amp?
I have the opportunity to get a nice Fisher 400CX-2...but why?

I have volume control on my Fiio M15, and volume via my player for my Chord Qutest.  How will a pre-amp make things better.  

A preamp could be used as an opportunity to color the sound somewhat. For example I recently picked up a tube pre to "relax" the sound,  and afford me the opportunity to muck about with tubes for a while.

Depending on your configuration, a preamp of some sort might be necessary if you wanted to add more sources.
The old purest will hook from a phono directly to a power amp with gain control,  that's it..., The same with a CD or whatever the source is. Like ebanksms said.. coloration and "INs and OUTs". Some have a bypass thats a cool feature...

This topic has been discussed extensively. Many opinions on both sides basically concluding that the results will depend on the components in the system. Do a quick search...