Ice Age Audio?

I tried to search the archives, but any posts related to this company have been deleted, hmmmmmm.....

Anyway, does anyone have any experience with Ice Age Audio power cords? They certainly seem to be quite a bargain.



Check out PC’s from Audio Envy. I am using a full loom and couldn’t be any happier. They got me off the cable merry- go-round.
I remember someone stating here that the cords he purchased were wired incorrectly. 

See this thread and Ice Age Audio's response.

They look well made and reasonably priced.
Give them a try!
I had one all copper 4 footer, having paid a little under $100. I couldn't find its right place in my 2 systems, so I gave it to my friend. He is happy to use it to power his CD player. It is all synergy/matching and you wouldn't know for sure till you try yourself in your own system. And that is my experience in general about cables.