MSB Diamond DAC V

Looking to try a MSB Diamond V Dac with Diamond Power Base Volume Control and Renderer. As a side note I have had the opportunity to enjoy the Lampizator Pacific, Esoteric Grandioso K1 my 2 favorites, DCS Vivaldi, Chord Dave but never tried the MSB. I was told that it's is a must listen to before I pull the ultimate trigger.

Please feel free to comment on your thoughts regarding what i can expect from the MSB Diamond DAC V.

There's a few MSB's here on Audiogon, a very nice very nice Platinum IV Plus for $6.5k

Cheers George
George, you have what pretty much amounts to preferential obsessions with certain gear, which is fine.  But why do you try to oversell your preferences to others, my acknowledging that you have no financial interests?  Why not let them decide based on their own observations?
What’s with you?? anti MSB, because that’s what it looks like.

READ!!! He (the OP) said
"I am going to look for either a Lampi Pacific or a MSB Diamond Dac V with all the goodies on the secondary market."
I’m showing him a good one on Audiogon. Butt out!!

Correct, I have no financial interests as I’m also in Australia and definitely NOT an MSB agent. But I do believe they are the front runners and always have been of R2R discrete dacs, others follow, and yes I do own one.

And here it is again for the OP just to get up your nose once more.

$40k euro builds a fairly impressive DCS stack. @gregm  thank you for your well considered reply on sonics. I looked and build quality seems very high indeed. I own an Aesthetix and a Lampi, will at some point replace the Aesthetix 

fun, enjoy the music gents..
Hello Gentlemen,
Thank you all for your input, trust me  i need all the help I can get when it comes to Dacs. I honestly hate buying them. I can pull the trigger all fmday long on amps, preamps and speakers but when it comes to dacs i clam up since everyone builds the best secret sauce dac and the marketing sometimes gets a bit overwhelming. I can tell you that my most impressive moment was listening to the Esoteric Grandioso K1 with a ARC Ref 10, 5se  6 etc and then The Lampizator Pacific dac direct to amp. Those 2 floored me but mostly the Lampizator Pacific gaining the edge in ztotal musicality. I believe @gregm  mentioned the Ideone Absolute dac and a comparison to the Lampizator Pacific. Now I must tell you you jusymt don't bring a knife to a gun fight especially from a company i have never heard of. Well he got my attention!!! I did some investigating and a few people out there are saying the same thing regarding its comparison to the Lampizator Pacific. So i decided to check into them and on paper I must say  it's the similar build quality of the Esoteric K1  D1,D1X which are insane to say the least. The absolute dac spec look actually superior by a long shot weighing in at 65lbs. I challenge all in this lost to read up in them. Thank you for your your suggestions and all will be considered but not without me doing a once over on the Ideon Absolute Dac.

Stay tuned.