New TT for ~$1500

My birthday is coming up and I will be asking for a *new* TT. Budget is up to $1500, but preferably closer to $1k. I would be comfortable pitching in another few hundred $$$ for a good cartridge if I get a table without one. Was thinking:
Rega P3, maybe P6 if I really stretch the budget (that'd be over my $1500 mark)

MoFi StudioDeck
Clearaudio Concept (I have a lead on a lightly used one with low hours, bundled with an Artist V2 cart, but might make gift giving awk)

Pro-Ject X2 w/ Sumiko Moonstone

Any thoughts?

that denon with the wide removable arm board has this base which is similar to the JVC deck, wonderful peak of the era designs

chackster just said nice things about the DP-80 spinner

still around to make an offer.

I just read the description completely, it is a 'rough' translation, but very informative if you re-read it. there is some nice technology in that arm as well. magnetic anti-skate, instant off/on, micrometer tracking adjustment, damped arm ...

the 350mm arm length is 'total' arm length, not effective length.

curiously, the notes reference 'fit CL-P1D' which is a similar JVC deck.

"Fit cabinet DK-300/2300/110

cabinet CL-P1D"

maybe someone understands this??

Denon DP-80 is absolutely stunning Direct Drive, i’m so happy that i bought unused sample in mint condition, i’ve been reading audiogon contributors for a long time and finally decided to buy one for my collection, i prefer Denon base just for one tonearm. It’s compact and good looking, but i already have different turntables. That Denon DA-401 tonearm is very nice for high compliance carts.  

here is a nice vintage denon flyer

A Japanese classics, a must have in my opinion.
It’s crazy how low is the price for those DP-80 sometimes.

Last week i finally assembled another turntable for a friend, he prepared it for his daughter as a present, very nice. Technics SP-20 in SH10B3 with custom made armboard. 
micro seiki direct drive, micro seiki arm, nice wood plinth

from Vlad, a very nice Russian in Canada. I bought my JVC Dual Arm TT81 in large plinth from him. Excellently packaged, very good communication,

price is Canadian, $850 CAD = $603. I guess he would accept an offer for a bit less
Vlad's list of ads on Canadian site. They pay no fee there, so can sell for less or take offers less than their listings on eBay.
Do you like any of the older stuff like, Thoren, Garrard, Sparta, QRC, Russco. I love the look, Art Deco

Rim drive, belt/rim drive combo.

For a direct drive I like Micro Seiki, they were, wonderful sounding, nice looking, and good tone arms too.
I had one stolen... man oh man...lot of time in that thing..

I like Ortofon, and Grado both.
Heavy MM mono carts, Pickering and Shure for 78s is still one of the best..
