Your "Best of..." audio manufacturer in each state

Obviously subjective and subject to experience bias. No wrong answers. Pick a state and claim your "Best of" for that state.

Inspired by me realizing that VAC is a Sarasota-based company. Had I known that a few years ago when I was down there I would have asked for a tour.
CA-Pass Labs
UT-Wilson Audio
CO-Boulder Amps, Ayre, PS Audio
MN-Audio Research, Atmosphere
MD-Linear Tube Audio, Border Patrol
ME-Transparent Cable
I’m not sure what else is made in Texas, but I would select Rythmik audio over Raven. I believe their servo subs stand out more vs other subs as compared to how Raven compares to other amps. Good news is that both are great products. 
Dan D’Agostino amps/preamps are made in Cave Creek, Arizona. I stumbled on it one day and Dan was here with his wife. He gave me a tour of the entire operation. Nice guy!
NH--Basis Audio

To the OP--I did visit VAC's place in Sarasota earlier this year.  It is a warehouse full of parts, old and new units, and a lot of really sharp and nice people, not at all what I expected but impressive nonetheless.  Certainly not a factory in the classic sense.  It was nice to see that Kevin Hayes has kept his operation in the community where he grew up.
@rcprince Cool. I just read the Stereophile review of their Statement 452 powerhouse and find it refreshing that such a technological piece comes out of a place that doesn't look like a Bond set.