Any information on the new Ayre C5xe player?

Ayre has introduced a new multi-format player, the C5xe. Has anyone seen it or actually heard the player. I understand that Ayre has been shipping these for a short while. It is reported that the player is better than the CX7 on redbook play.
But will it top the Sony SCD1, still rated as one of the best ever, In fact Absolute sound called it one of the few digital players that they call a "classic" design. And they never been to happy with any digital format!

I think in some ways digital in the 2 channel format has finally reached it peak, now improves will be much slower, until a new format comes out and we have to start all over!
The C5x-e is Ayre's first SACD/DVD-A player which is somewhat of a suprise given some comments made by Charles Hansen in the past (although notice it is 2ch only). But the addition of SACD and DVD-A didn't come at much extra cost. The comparison above is Redbook only and is quite a statement for someone to make given the performance of the CX-7 and D1-x at their price points. I haven't heard it yet but I plan to in the next month or two when I do my audio upgrade. I mainly care about Redbook performance.
It is surprising that another SACD/DVD-A player is offered with the way these formats seem to be going. Ayre says it does sound better than the CX-7 but how, who knows at this point. $6000 is right pricey and approaches a lot of fast company. However, I do like Ayre's philosophy's on negative feedback, etc.
I guess we'll know something in the next month or so. I was going to buy a CX-7 w/ the Evolution upgrade but I think I'll hold for a bit. I was just at the point of going back to strictly CD playback.
I had the C5xe in my system Sunday and what has been reported is true, redbook playback is vastly superior to the CX-7 and better than CD playback on a D1-X. SACD playback is very good, and these comments are about a player that did not even have 100 hours on it yet. I am leaning very heavily in the direction of this one-box. Charlie Hansen and his team should be proud of their new baby. Frankly, $6K is a very reasonable price for the C5xe.