Tube Preamp with Solid State Amp?


I’ve seen some folks using Tube Preamps with Solid State Am ps. I’m thinking of doing that with my system as part of an incremental change. I currently have a Parasound P5 preamp with a Parasound A21 driving Klipsch Cornwall 4’s. Will a decent / good Tube Preamp really make a difference in my sound? I enjoy what I have now but really want to experience Tubes in my system. Thanks!
Also looking for some input. I have a CJ mf200 that I just picked up and I’m looking for a tube preamp with a remote. I’m running a MacBook Pro with Jriver, Schiit modi dac and Thiel cs2 speakers. So now I’m looking for a tube preamp for this set up. I have been looking at Jolida jd5t and schiit and a rogue 66 preamps on the used market. I need to stay under the $ 500 range. I could possibly loose the remote if there is a better option for a preamp.
I have Aesthetix Eclipse Linestage and paired it with Aesthetix Atlas mono in the past. Can't literally say it's solid state as Atlas is hybrid amp. It worked so well. Then I replaced the amp with Atma-sphere MA-1. Goosebumps. 

Later I purchased Atma-sphere MP-1 to substitute the Eclipse..I noticed, Aesthetix Eclipse is more like ss preamp but I love this combo. 

So I will need to let go off my Atma-sphere MP-1 preamp.
The tube amp is where the real magic is - actually a SS preamp with tube amp makes more electrical sense as well than the reverse.

do it!!!    i prefer tube preamps and solid state power amps.   Main system puts a cary preamp with my SS monoblocks,  office system is a vincent hybrid integrated amp.    as stated above the tube preamp softens  and smooths the tonality, but the SS power Amps give it immediate punch and dynamism which I haven't found in tube power amps.   I admit i haven't tried it with ultra expensive tube power amps so there may be all tube combinations that kick but in my budget for power
this was the best arrangement  
Am I the only one who uses tubes BECAUSE of the extra detail they add? It’s a very 3D detail, very lifelike.

I don’t find tubes warmer than SS (listen to the "euphonic error" on the original NAD 3020!), except for the warm glow of the tubes themselves.