Is it fine to bunch together power wires?

When organizing your equipment do you bunch together all or as many as you can of the power cords as possible?
No touching... anywhere. The cables DO NOT TOUCH each other anywhere.. Especially POWER CORD to Interconnect.

Take your time and rout just 1/2" apart on ICs, and PC.  When crossing the two, a  2" gap and a Right angle, (90 deg if you can).

Looks like asian dry sand ponds, rake art so to speak. All the cables look like pipe farms in refineries. Take your time, raise them off the floor. I made my own risers. Mainly to clean, and keep dust and moisture off the cable, vibration is not a big issue for me..

I use as little shielding as I can. Routing will fix it.
I do twist my PC, CW though, with double grounds, one copper one silver clad. Works better than a weave.. By following the natural twist of the wire, normally Clock Wise..

Like MC said, the CABLES gotta sound good. The routing will take care of  noise issues.. I've Never found a noisey cable, routing wouldn't take care of, unless the cable or connection was bad. It took a radio a couple of times, like I said.

I also found cables SOUND a lot better. Nothing else, just sound better, no fancy terms, no BS, just sound BETTER, behind routing... Then leave them alone... let them settle..

It's one of the joys of being an audiophile...there is no shortage of things to obsess over ;-)
best is to keep them separated but if not possible arrange them in away that crosss each other.