Here's the most brilliant bit of marketing I've ever read, from the Pangea page, listed by the OP:
The Furman conditioners with LiFT and SMP have lots of components which protect you against surge and also reduce noise starting at around 3 kHz.
If you want a "straight wire" with nothing changed, may I suggest the much cheaper kit from Parts Connexion:
Personally, for $200 I'd rather have a Furman PST-8 which actually protects the equipment and reduced audible noise than a fancy box for power outlets, but that's just me.
There are zero current-limiting circuits or electronic components of any kind inside."
The Furman conditioners with LiFT and SMP have lots of components which protect you against surge and also reduce noise starting at around 3 kHz.
If you want a "straight wire" with nothing changed, may I suggest the much cheaper kit from Parts Connexion:
Personally, for $200 I'd rather have a Furman PST-8 which actually protects the equipment and reduced audible noise than a fancy box for power outlets, but that's just me.