Speaker cable arrows???

I bought a used pair of Silverline Audio's Conductor cables. Plugged them in 
and was very pleased with the neutral sound I was getting. Bare wire to the 
speakers, and bananas on the amp end. Then I realized that the arrows on 
the cables where pointing towards the amp. OOPS, I reversed the path 
direction, and couldn't hear any difference. Zero.
My preference would be to have the bananas on the amp end.

Can I disobey the arrows, and run the cables effectively backwards?

"Since all wire is inherently directional 🔜 speaker cables, internal speaker and electronics wires, inductors, transformers, digital cables, HDMI cables, fuses, ribbon connectors, capacitors, resistors, et al should be controlled for their inherent directionality during manufacture. The industry, sadly, moves at a snails’s pace. It probably hasn’t even got the memo yet. 🐌 If everything was in the right direction the audible effect of reversing one cable wouldn’t be subtle then, would it?"  THIS IT WHAT I CALL PURE COMEDY!ALSO PURE BS!
I think what it all comes down to is this ;  what is the difference between hearing a difference and imagining that you hear a difference?  This is the essential problem with audiophiles. They don't understand that there is a difference between these two things.They think that they are the same thing. They think that if they imagine there is a difference then that means there actually is. It's very much the same as christians who think that because they believe then that means that their belief must be true.
Whoa! That’s heavy, dude! I’m going to think about that all day! 
I think what it all comes down to is this ; what is the difference between hearing a difference and imagining that you hear a difference? This is the essential problem with audiophiles.
This accusation is tiring to listen to....Like the recurrent placebo effect...And generally decreed by people who have no clue about the way to go to with the embeddings of their audio system , except the totally insufficient rule : buy, plug, and use it....

In my experiments for the last couple of years creating spectacular homemade NO-COST solutions for my audio system, I encounter no placebo effect, and no hearing and imagined hearing alternatives, WHY?

Simply because a long CUMULATIVE series of positive small or bigger audible changes are NOT reducible to auditory illusion... WHY ?

Because they are incrementally and STEP BY STEP created by exploratory experiments, in the mechanical, electrical, and acoustical dimension fields of the audio system of my house....

In a word: a pill that make your heathier each weeks for years is NOT a placebo effect pills....Especially if someone else feel the same after eating it....The mechanical, electrical, and acoustical embedding dimensions are not illusory tweaking obsession of cranks, they are the 3 conditions necessary to gives to yourself the true potential S.Q. of any audio system....

For the directionality of cable, I only go with the advise of the cable seller....I had no opinion about that....