Looking for an integrated amp around 4000 to 5000.

I am currently looking to upgrade from a Rogue Pharaoh integrated. I have Ascendo C8 Rennasance speakers 88  DB. 6 ohm. PC to Wyred4sound DAC 2. Looking for some input on others experience. Considering Levinson 585 or Primaluna EVO 400. I need a line out for a sub. Prefer a balanced in but that is not a deal breaker. I welcome all recommendations.
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Wow a lot of great suggestions. I think I am going to go with a SS integrated. I am considering the levinson 585, Hegel H390 and the Ayre ax5. Thanks for all of the input everyone.
the latest Krell integrated amp has received raves. i’d put it in the mix w the ML 585. 
You'll never know without trying, but my belief is that you'll get a lot more bang for your buck in terms of sound quality if you replace the DAC instead of the Rogue.  A MHDT Labs Orchid would be a big improvement over your DAC2 and set you back about $1200.  Almost anything would be better than that DAC. 

You're probably going to make a somewhat lateral move and the DAC2 is still going to be holding your system back.  But what do I know?  Your system, your money.
big_greg, thanks for the info on the MHDT. I am waiting to see which amp I go with as some have a built in dac. If it doesn't I will definitely give the Orchard a try.