So we're all tired of hearing about nothing but Covid-19 (or, as I term it, the C-Plague). What can we do, as audiophiles, to help with all this.
I was amazed, and delighted, when I went to the Cardas website to see that they are doing their part. Go to their website and you'll see their director, Angela Cardas, wearing a mask. If you click on the Cardas Nautilus logo in the upper left corner, you'll see pictures of people there in the factory making masks with sewing machines. I called the company to congratulate them, and spoke with a woman named Darla, who said it was their way, during this economic slump, to keep their employees working and also their way of trying to "do our part."
I'm not writing all this to advertise Cardas products. They are a very good company, but trust your ears, not anything I write, when it comes to buying their products. They do get credit, however, for helping me come to a realization that pushed me in the right direction. I called a woman I am friends with, who is 85 years old and is a good seamstress, to suggest she start making masks. She already was--and is. By phone she has organized several other women to do the same, and right now they are needing more material and elastic. I managed to gather about 50 pounds of material and am starting to gather elastic while also getting more material. But I don't sew. I can't help out with that. Any ideas as to what we--all of us who are good with our ears and focused with our budgets--can do to help out in other ways?

I realize this is an odd topic to bring to an audio forum, but it was a very socially responsible audio company that got me to thinking about it, and frankly I believe I should be socially responsible enough to do what I can to get other people to thinking about it. While also being open to other people's ideas about ways someone like me who is "just an audiophile" can help.

Thank you, in advance, for any and all ideas on this.

"It is also announced that it will return again in the Fall."
Any announcement when it will go away first?

Early 2017 it was announced (Fauci) that a "surprise outbreak" would occur during this Administrstion. How did they know? It is also announced that it will return again in the Fall. Conveniently before the upcoming election to skew tabulation of votes?

>>>>>I thought he was talking about the swallows coming back to Capistrano. I might have misunderstood. Note to self: it looks you’re on another roll. 
How did they know?
Simple history.

“I thought I would bring that perspective [of my experience in five administrations] to the topic today, [which] is the issue of pandemic preparedness. And if there’s one message that I want to leave with you today based on my experience … [it] is that there is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming [Trump] administration in the arena of infectious diseases … both chronic infectious diseases in the sense of already ongoing disease … but also there will be a surprise outbreak, and I hope by the end my relatively short presentation you will understand why history, the history of the last 32 years that I’ve been the director of the NAIAD, will tell the next administration that there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that they will be faced the challenges that their predecessors were faced with.”
~ Anthony Fauci, 2017

During the Obama administration ALONE:  H1N1, Zika, Ebola (Africa).

It always helps to view things in a fuller context rather than through the spoon-fed, distorted snippets preferred by some media outlets pretending to be semi-objective "news".  Who, as it turns out, are now alleging that Anthony Fauci is not to be believed, trusted or lent any credence because........he's not an elected official. Always better to implement political solutions to public health issues, yeah?

After all, it's best to call an electrician when your car starts making funny noises under the hood, isn't it?
I too have circled the planet 66 times working on my 67th.
Are you on the International Space Station?