@lohanimal @lewm @karl_desch : All of you have a misunderstood of the overall cartridge/tonearm aliggnment formulas.
Löfgren formulas use 3 input parameters: tonearm EFFECTIVE LENGTH, most inner groove distance and most outer groove distance. Through the calculations of the alignment we will achieve mainly these output alignment parameters:
overhang, off-set angle, by difference P2S distance and inner and outer null points.
That is the rigth and orthodox way to make the alignment calculations.
Any one can manipulate those parameters, as a fact Stevenson did it when he made to coincide the inner most groove distance with the inner null point, as could be the P2S distance but any kind of parameter input value manipulations will gives us way different output parameters to the orthodox way to make the alignment calculations.
I will repeat here the links I posted along the orthodox way to make " things ".
and now P2S 230mm:
@lewm you can see that the difference between 231.5mm and 230mm P2S is not the overhang: 1.5mm
Now the rigth way to do the alignments calculations taking as one of the input parameters the EFFECTIVE LENGTH:
where the P2S LöfgrenA/Baerwald alignment distance is: 228.14mm
even the gentleman behind MINT LP has a misunderstood too because if he takes this P2S distance we have not any single trouble to mount any cartridge in any headshell in that arm.n Even we can change the 245mm EL for 250mm and we can set up that arm with any cartridge/headshell if the overall calculations takes that EL with the new P2S distance ! !
Till we understand it we will follow posting wrong post on the subject.
We need first to understand the overall Löfgren " idea ".
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,