Want to experience tubed CDP?

I am curious to hear a tubed CDP in my system, and would like to pay the entry price of an Ah! or Jolida to demo one in my system. I just wonder if either of those will equally perform at the level of my Cairn, or should I be looking at an Audio Aero or Cary model?

Any insight would be appreciated! Thanks!
When buying used, you can recoup most--if not all--of your money should you decide to re-sell. Therefore, I would suggest buying the best player you can. I have owned the Rega Planet, the Planet 2000, the Jolida JD-100, and the AA Prima. The Prima is on another level entirely when compared with the first three. Much smoother, greater dynamic capability, and it tracks complex music with more accuracy. As Rene said, it nails piano (and vocals) with an organic sense that pulls you in.
FWIW, during the month or so that we were waiting for our APL 3910 player to be ready, we kept our Prima and sold our Resolution Audio Opus 21. The Opus 21 did everything well, except engage us.
Best of luck,
I agree with Jrwr7, teh Lector 5T is certainly the way to go for a tube cdp under $2000. Moving up in price, you certainly should try and give a listen to teh Granite Audio 657 at $2900 - it is the best cd player that I have heard short of the AA Capitole! Output impedence is a bit on the high side, so input impedence of the pre needs to be in the 50K and up range, but if it is - WOW!!!
Hi, Jh2os:

I heard the Cairn Fog v2.0 at a friend's house, but didn't audition it side-by-side with my AH! Supertjoeb 4000. We listened to Beethoven string trios performed by L'Archibudelli -- it's a good reference CD for judging bass, midrange, and treble via cello, viola, and violin.
I just never like the sound of violin on most CDPs, except for upsampling CD players with a tubed output buffer; and neither do I care for the sound of solid state electronics in general. I shouldn't have declared that the Supertjoeb will best the Cairn, since I didn't hear them side-by-side. I should have said that I love my Supertjoeb with upgraded tubes; the stock tubes give too much emphasis to the upper midrange. The Dutch CDP nearly makes a solo violin sound beautiful with solid state electronics; and with the right tube electronics the sound is downright splendid.
Best wishes,
Agree completely with Triode's post...I own the BAT VKD5se and am continually amazed at what it adds to the music listening experience...no digititus whatsoever!
Try newly imported to the U.S. from Germany, the Vincent S6 mark 2 which I think comes in at around $1895. Its getting some rave notices in Europe. Balanced xlr outputs, digital and usual analogue outputs along with remote volume control.