Want to experience tubed CDP?

I am curious to hear a tubed CDP in my system, and would like to pay the entry price of an Ah! or Jolida to demo one in my system. I just wonder if either of those will equally perform at the level of my Cairn, or should I be looking at an Audio Aero or Cary model?

Any insight would be appreciated! Thanks!
Newbee, I do like the idea that with a tubed CDP you can 'voice' it to your personal preference, I am just wondering if I will gain all the things that the Cairn does so right with a simple tube change? Some of the shortcomings (or differences) seem insurmountable by simply changing tubes? But then again, what do I know, I am still new to this whole world of tubes! ;)
Jh2os, good to hear you took the plunge for a tubed CDP. Now comes best part: Playing around with tubes like Newbee suggested. I just started tube rolling in my Jolida amp: I now have five different sets of 12AX7, four different sets of 12AT7, and two sets of driver tubes. I am starting to think this is a little too much, but then nothing beats trying things yourself.

Start with some current production tubes in the Jolida (EI Gold, JJ, GE 5571). It will make a significant difference and you might just end up with what you are looking for.

Also a powercord change might make a big difference. Try a VH Flavor 4 etc.


Rene, thanks for the suggestions. I am using a Signal Cable HC digital PC with the Cairn & Jolida. Is the VH a far superior cable? I've had good results with the Signal.
The tube change can be dramatic. As can the upgrade in power cord. Most used cords can be bought and sold for the same price if you decide it's not what you want. From my experience, I never heard the capability of the Jolida until I put a very good PC on it. In my case, when I went to a Wolff Carbon PC, I could not go back to the Signal. Just my experience.
Best of luck,
Jh2os, I have not tried the signal cable, so that I cannot make a qualified
statement about the improvements. I tried the following different cords so far:
VH audio Flavor 2 and 3, Audience powerchord, VdH Mainstream. Right now, I
have the Flavor 2 on the Jolida, the Audience on the Audio Aero Prima. each
made a very distict difference and even more important the Audience was not
that great on the Jolida, the Jolida not as good on other amps where I tried it. Its
all a matter of system interactions.

Certainly I think the VH Flavor 4 should be worth a try. Also with Chris' generous
return policy for 60 days (I returned one) there is not really any risk.

Also, Howard's recommendations are usually spot on....I would love to try the
Wolff, but there's too many other things first in my system.