Want to experience tubed CDP?

I am curious to hear a tubed CDP in my system, and would like to pay the entry price of an Ah! or Jolida to demo one in my system. I just wonder if either of those will equally perform at the level of my Cairn, or should I be looking at an Audio Aero or Cary model?

Any insight would be appreciated! Thanks!
Jh2os, sorry for the confusion with the Jolida. I completely forgot to mention that the Jolida is an amp.

Are you going to explore the area around Las Vegas a bit or are you just trying to increase your funding for your next Hifi purchase? I love driving northwest to Death Valley and northeast to Zion from Vegas.

Also, you are sure you don't want to come to Las Vegas, New Mexico, instead? In that case you could stop by in ABQ and listen to the Prima.

Enjoy your trip.

This weeks' trip to Vegas I am finishing and punchlisting a renovation project for our company, and I am pretty booked.

Next week I fly out again (with the wife) for the AIA conference, so I am hoping to explore outside of the city on Saturday. Your the second person who has suggested Zion to me. Might have to check it out?

I noticed a Prima listed on here now, so maybe I'll pick that up to A/B/C with the Cairn and Jolida. ;)
Jh2os, one thing about the Prima since you are considering it: There are by now several versions out there (and prices that I have seen them sell for here):

- There is the the original version with volume control, no upsampling. Glossy front (used $800).
- The 192/24 upsampling version with glossy black front (used $1000-1300).
- The 192/24 upsampling version with matte black front and XLR outputs and some internal changes (used 1500-1600).
- The newest version has a completely different front plate, and according to the distributor no internal changes on this one. This one only has been available since 04/2005 (new 2700).

I would confirm with the seller, which version he has. Usually you can tell from the pictures, but quite often people post pictures from reviews etc.

By the way: I have the 192/24 upsampling version with matte black front and XLR outputs. I can't say too much abou the sonic differences to the earlier ones. Soundstage reviewed the two earliest versions.

Good luck.

The Vincent S6 is a sweet CD Player. Give it a listen/audition, I think you may be surprised.

The only difference between the S6 and the S6mkII is the Balanced outputs. Otherwise, they are exactly the same. I

I have one on order and it should be here over the next 3-4 weeks. I wanted the Black and all they had was the Silver. So they ordered it for me, and they are now going to bring in more of the Black.

I also have the Vincent SA-T1 Pre Amp on order, in Black.
I have heard a lot about Vincent products and a friend of mine who is a dealer in Denver sells their products. I saw the CD player in one of his listening rooms and we gave it a trial run. It sounded very good and looks good as well.

I have heard the amps/preamps are a good value as well.