One problem is see in your comparison Mike, is you have chosen a DAC that euphonically matches what you prefer in vinyl. For you, that is the best sound possible, but to make the most accurate comparison of digitized and played back vinyl, a DAC that is as analytical as possible would be the most faithful. Your DAC may be implementing "tricks" that create a very pleasing audio result, especially for those that prefer vinyl. However if you record vinyl and play is back on that DAC, the result is likely not as technically accurate as possible.i have a hard time connecting the dots on your supposition. not sure the point you are making. i'd say that the general feedback on the MSB Select II is that it has a neutral presentation. 'tricks?' huh?
and obviously; dacs can't record vinyl; you need an ADC for that. MSB does not make an ADC.
my result of vinyl being better is a 20 year experience, with multiple dacs, transports, and servers. as well as multiple turntables, arms, cartridges, and phono stages, as well as different rooms.
i've chased excellent digital performance all these years, and would happy to list the dacs i've used.