Does anyone collect something else other than music.

 I guess all of us must be collectors at heart, both music and kit, but are there other collecting obsessions out there? Many people collect watches, cars, mountain bikes and so on.

I have started a small collection of good Scotch malt whisky. Always loved whisky, but never studied the range and quality available. It may be a bit easier for me, living in the UK, although most bottles seem to be available in the US, at comparable prices too. The only drawback is that I don't get to drink any of the good stuff, as the collection is something I intend to leave to my kids, who all have tastes above their pay grade. Whisky has always been collectable, but prices do seem to be on the up. It is staggering what bottles, particularly of the best distilleries and closed ones, can go for. Prices over £100,000 for one bottle, aren't unusual, with interest from all over the world.

 I like all whisky, but my current favourite is probably Caol Ila, a not too heavily peated  Islay distillery. Glad to say my consumption has remained very modest. Unfortunately, when we emerge from Covid 19, I think there are going to be a lot more problem drinkers.

 So what do you collect? If you are a whisky fan too, perhaps post your favourites and bottles worth collecting.


This is a little crazy for a man of my age, but one of my sisters gave me a collector tin of Crayola crayons about 20 years ago, and I spontaneously started collecting Crayola crayons, and there must be others who collect them too, because I go to the Target a couple of times a year and I always find a couple of new things. I only collect the crayons, not markers or any type of pencil, and I am about out of room in a large Rubbermaid container; the type that you use for Christmas decorations. I also don't use them. I just keep them as they are and keep adding to them.  
Sweaters.  Don't ask, and I have no idea why.  I have several hundred vintage sweaters mostly from Hadley (formally from Weaverville, NC), Ballantyne (now made in CHINA!!), Dalton (gone today; from Cleveland, OH originally--my dad knew them), Pringle (still Scottish!), and various others.  My daughter wears them as she lives in a cold climate, but I have bins and bins of them.  No excuse.

Toy trains--I will be using them soon, but I have a few hundred pieces now ready for a big layout.

Children's Books--Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, and the original Winston Science Fiction series.

That's enough!

Wow...this thread does make you think. I realize now that I also have 2 large storage bins of Christmas story books from classic to modern, many illustrated and aimed at young people but not all. I do read some of them each Christmas, and leave a couple of stacks around for visitors to look through.
Small Guitar  Collection,Some Tube Amps[Just sold 12 amps to a fella opening a Guitar Store,Grand Opening was supposed to be April but now???].I used to have a lot of Remote Control Planes and Helis but have sold most of those probably 7 or so left.One Heli,and 2 older Quads/Drones.