Need preamp recommendation

I am in need of a new pre-amp that has a phono stage for a Music Hall turntable and a DAC that can support connection to my Sonos system and my digitized CD collection that was ripped in uncompressed format.  

Amp is a Proceed LX-5 (only using 2 channels) and speakers are B&W Silver Signature Sevens.   Was looking at a used Mark Levinson 526 but can't find one in my price range.  Would like to keep the cost in the $5K - $7K range.  Thank you in advance. 
Luxman Cl38u-C. Has a three tube phono w/four Step up transformers. Luxman makes great tube gear. Also on for sale on US Audiomart the special Edition model.
Sell the Proceed and up the budget to 8.5k, go for a Mark Levinson 5805 integrated with phono and DAC built in.
Its about half of your price, but a Coda CP is a nice sounding Pre.  SST Ambrosia Also has a phono version,  $10,000 new but can be had used at a song. 
I've been on the hunt for a modern preamp as well and have been leaning in the tube/hybrid direction. Here are some modern ideas in that price range. All are under 6k MSRP.
  • PS Audio BHK
  • Rogue Audio RP-7
  • Linear Tube Audio MicroZOTL preamp
  • Backert Labs Rhumba 1.3
  • Primaluna EVO 400 Preamp