A bit more punch than my Pathos?

Word up.
I'm running a Pathos Classic Mk 3 into my Spatial M3 Turbo S's. It throws 140w into 4 ohms, but I can't help but feel it's a bit polite. Any recs for a $2K and under integrated (used or new, ss or tube or hybrid) that may punch a little more presence? It needs to have balanced inputs. I had a Hegel 160 that I liked before. I was thinking of getting another Classic Mk3 and bridging the pair, but have cooled on that idea as of late. Thank you.

rest of system:- LFD LE phono- Oppo 105- VPI HW-19 Mk4- Hana SL/Jelco 750EB- AZ cabling throughout

@jond  I run balanced from the Oppo to the Pathos. It's a much better sound than standard RCA
@jafant Huh. What does this mean -- point to point?
As the one who explored extensively the "Pathi", or two Classic One units bridged, I assure you that the performance upgrade is substantial when using them mono. I'm guessing you have read my review of the twin units, or "Pathi" at Dagogo.com, but if not, enjoy! 

Consider whether you are prepared for an entire tonality and frequency balance shift when moving to a different pre/amp or integrated. If you love the sound character of the One, but need more drive, then two units give that to you, and improvement in kind in other parameters overall. 

You likely know the story. Imo, the choice should be whether you wish to open up the possibility of a major shift away from the tonality of the Pathos to something else. I found the Classic One series to have an uncharacteristically strong midrange, and it's quite beautiful. You would likely lose that in moving to a different brand. Something to consider. 

Also, though it is a "do at your own risk" activity, you may wish to look into the Schroeder Method of Interconnect Placement.

There are several levels of improvement available to you if you go the second Pathos route. Frankly, I would look for a different source, or use the Oppo as a transport and get a fine DAC, rather than get rid of the Pathos. YMMV 
Update: spinning Mofi 45 Brothers in Arms now through an LFD LEIV SE.  Huge soundstage, nuances everywhere, music just projects beautifully. It's everywhere. I'm happy. 

For now.