Next upgrade for my analog source

Hi all! hope I can get some opinions on the next upgrade step for my analog source.

Currently am using Rega P6 TT with Nagaoka MP 200 (MM) cartridge, and the EAR 834P fonostage.

Preamp and amp are using Lumley Reference Amplifier (Tube KT88) and going to PMC 20.24 speakers. 

So am thinking of either:
1. upgrading the fonostage to the new PS audio Stellar phono (getting rave reviews)
2. upgrading the cartridge to MC type (maybe Lyra Delos?)
3. upgarding the TT itself (not sure what to get in the $2k-$2.5k range)

I mostly listen to classical (violin, orchestra) and jazz on my analog source.

Thanks for any inputs!
So what do you hope for this upgrade should do for your listening pleasure? 🤔
Will help to maybe narrow down those choices, methinks. 
Have you rolled the tubes in the EAR? A set of NOS Telefunkens would breathe new life into it. Replace the Nag with an MP500 (or NOS MP50 if you can find one) and you might be surprised. 
jadislover, I would go for the Lyra. If you go for a phono amp you'd best look at a Channel D Lino C 2.0. It is eons away from any other phono amp in it's price range, just ask Michael Fremer. I am very seriously considering getting one and I have always used ARC phono stages.
If you buy Pure Vinyl you can use your computer to equalize the record and record vinyl to your hard drive. This allows you to do neat stuff like compare different cartridges using the same record.