In the middle of a pandemic, Stereophile reviews ~ $30K equipment

While the world is in the middle of a major economic event, the last two pieces of gear posted by Stereophile to their online site average $30K a piece.

If this doesn't make you feel like you belong to their target audience I don't know what will.
Reviews are planned in excess of 3-6 months ahead of the publish date, for most paper based publications. It is simply not possible to do things any other way. It is no less a long term planning task than complex manufactured goods. With regard to final delivery dates, that is.

Regardless, it is the job of a magazine of such a nature, to entice people. Not to buy, but to dream. To look at the lurid end of desire in the self. It’s the same for any other product range and type. Automobiles being one of the prime examples. Computers, gaming, now VR, even..has it’s own ’dream and yearning’ publications, where the unavailable or expensive gets reviewed and talked about. Home theater has projectors and processors, boating has it’s yachts, and so on. Guns rags review expensive and exotic weapons. Guitar magazines, the same (in their respective areas). Make up and self care, again, expensive treatments, oddities, experience potentials and upcoming technologies for enhancing health or altering appearances of the given person, all the same.

If mouse keeping and collecting became a thing, a mouse magazine would arise that reviews and talks about expensive mouse associated things. Exotic, rare and perfected $20,000 mice! Thousand dollar hamster wheels! It’s just the way the world is.

Why make notice of Stereophile? Complaining about or making negative notice of Stereophile or any print magazine, would be like complaining abut the world being a thing. The magazine is just fine, it fits in the middle of the norm of expected and extant human reality ~just fine~.

You are stirring the pot for absolutely f-all, Eric... and be aware, it is YOU that has issues.

A health hint for some: Consider not releasing one’s own offal into one’s own meal space. It’s killing the chances of one obtaining one’s own clean functional food. It takes time to pollute one’s own meal space, it takes time for the damage to show, so one is advised to stop doing it. this.. so the accumulated damage, over time, does not remove the possibility for one’s further meals. As the smell and damage wafts about and causes more participants to exit the very area that feeds one's desires and what one covets to actually exist --- in a given potential meal time.
'Not a mask in sight': thousands flock to Yellowstone as park reopens
There are masks on first and second picture.
How insensitive!  I can't believe they had the nerve to publish a review by Art Dudley and not even acknowledge he died.  Or maybe the magazine was put together and completed well in advance of its shipping date.
Hail geoffkait! He just farted and blew them all away. He's getting a free pass to Disney Land China. 

Really, the timing doesn't mean much to me. Maybe they can sell that integrated in Denmark but a class D integrated for 39 large here when you could get a pair of JC 1+ and an ARC preamp for less? It will never sell here and I seriously doubt any dealer is going to commit that kind of money to put one on display.

As for the virus, it is a sad day when Americans forfeit their civil rights for a disease two clicks worse than a cold. 
I'm 66. I got myself exposed, had a minor cough and now I am totally immune and can not give the disease to anyone else.