In the middle of a pandemic, Stereophile reviews ~ $30K equipment

While the world is in the middle of a major economic event, the last two pieces of gear posted by Stereophile to their online site average $30K a piece.

If this doesn't make you feel like you belong to their target audience I don't know what will.
This hobby is not a need. It is an inspirational(albeit that some take to seriously) hobby for sure. And reading about good sound is inspirational to me.
I think of good art(it can be very expensive). We don’t need it but it can be most inspirational in difficult times.
I think I see where Erik is coming from and appreciate there are more important things to attend to. I also think because of that we need more inspiration. A nice word salad on audio gear sounds good to me in these times.
Many criticize the Romans for their decay and use their extravagant spending as a reason for their "fall". Might future historians use the above mentioned article to prove such theories about the fall of our own country? The barbarians are at the gate but my audio system is isolated and so am I. Never felt them coming.
Stereophile has a ''recomended component issue,with a $100,000 turntable(tonearm not included).  Really?
This review was certainly planned well before the crisis unfolded late February in the states.

-If it was not I personally do not read reviews of sub $1,000 gear with much interest.
-No I'm not buying a $30k amp or $32k standmounts either.
But those standmounts happen to be the best sounding speaker
I've ever heard. They were powered by this AAvik Amp

-Learning how Borressen made his Class D amp hold on in high frequencies was also something I was very interested in.
This Class D failing is what is holding back general acceptance.

Borressen is in the running as my "Most Admired" designer.