Emotiva Repair

Does anyone know who can work on an Emotiva XPR-1 mono block?  Now that it is out of warranty, Emotiva will not work on it.
The XPR amp line was a misstep by Emotiva (besides Carver, Sherbourne and the UMC-1 disaster).

The XPR line was too heavy, needed 20 amp outlets and was obviously done without much in the way of market research. They’d dream up an idea, then get their Chinese partner/factory to build so many at a certain unit price so they could ship them to Franklin and still make their margin.

But most of the time they’d end up deeply discounting them in an attempt to get ‘em out the door. The discounts ate their profits and conditioned their customers to wait for the next sale, a vicious circle.

i think they finally hired someone with a retail background, judging by their smarter moves these days.
PS, if you need an Emotiva amp repaired by someone other than Emotiva, you’re just going to have to google electronics repair in your closest cities.

 Then google the establishments for customer satisfaction and whether the BBB gives them a good rating.  These places can have a long turn around time.

The Emotiva amps aren’t exactly rocket science to figure out, although I expect that service documents will be non existent.  They don’t use boutique brands for parts, so shouldn’t be hard for a repair facility to source.

How can a company, who,pushes, service, family like service, not repair, or look at their own products??.

 Need more info.......

did u contact them? What did they say?
what are their reasons? Please elaborate much more.

i own an old 1st gen xpa-1 mono pair, I would be insulted by them not servicing their own,products,,,,.?

 What did they tell you, why, 
dying for more info.
i,know this message place is old,, but denying service of a company’s own products,?
especially that XPR series, which were some behemoths, and powerhouse amps!

 Please spill ALL the beans!
That would be me  I am in New Jersey so you would have to ship to me  PM me if you want
