Has anyone successfully put their speakers in storage for an extended period of time?

We’re about to upgrade our speakers, and am thinking of placing our existing, very good speakers in storage for possible future use in a second home or to hand down to our kids when they’re ready.  I cannot think of a downside, with speakers as opposed to electronics.  Any thoughts?   
On the wall in my garage is a picture of a Porsche parked in a garage. Below the picture it reads:

All the hours a Porsche spends parked. You don't get those back.

thanks to thanks to all that responded.   We are taking EBM’s advice.  If we can interest any of you in our Kiss speakers by Vienna Acoustics, please see the auction for charity we created on Audiogon this morning
We’re about to upgrade our speakers, and am thinking of placing our existing, very good speakers in storage for possible future use in a second home or to hand down to our kids when they’re ready. I cannot think of a downside, with speakers as opposed to electronics. Any thoughts? [/auote]
how did you solve the storage issue?

how did you solve the storage issue?
I had a pair of Infinity Kappas in storage twice for a few years.  I remember reading that light is the enemy in terms of causing the speaker surrounds to break down.  Those speakers are 26 years old and still going strong.