old high end preamps..

Proceed AVP  Cary Cinema 11   Bryston SP1.7

I have had all but the Cary. which do you think would sound best for music in 2.1 ? I have the Bryston now. cant really find any flaw in it except I cant tell where volume is with lights down and screen is hard to read from 6ft away. Bryston sounds good.
I am actually getting a Cary Cinema 11 this week. I know if a recapped AVP . I like the looks of either of these over the Bryston.
Buy a Cary preamp if you don't give a whit about resolution or transparency. A good vintage model that comes to mind is an AI Modulus 3a. Lots of gain and the volume control is a little coarse, but it sounds pretty good.


The original Hafler pre-amp was amazingly good. My first pre-amp brought with a HK amp first, then a B&K amp.