What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?

While watching vids on YouTube, I came across this pipe speaker design from a Dr. Linkwitz (see below).   The sound of this speaker is said to be impressive.  I was wondering if you know about this, how it works and what you think of this speaker design.  Also, what do you think would be the best room placement for such a speaker, and would you be tempted to build them?

I thought this was an interesting video about the speakers in question!  Check it out
I checked the setup. Its obviously not a state of the art system. It would be ok for background music. 

Seigfried Linkwitz was brilliant as a speaker designer.
completely disagree. There were no commercial speakers made by him as far as i know. He obviously had a few designs that were available as DIY projects but i dont know of any that stereophile reviewed. I rarely see audiophiles mention his name on forums. I hear names like B&W, Dynaudio, Wilson, Magico, Harbeth, Kef. But Linkwitz? No chance. 
Kenjit, you just named six brands of box speakers. What? You argue with everyone about box speakers. Are you new to audio?
Read more, argue less is my suggestion. I won’t do the google searches for you.
Kenjit wrote: "[Siegfried Linkwitz] obviously had a few designs that were available as DIY projects but i dont know of any that stereophile reviewed."

Liinkwitz had several commercial designs which were manufactured by a company called Audio Artistry. One of them received Stereophile’s 1998 Loudspeaker of the Year award.

Here’s the review:


Those Pluto’s would be handy, being able to move them about as you want (unlike the Martin Logan’s I have that weigh 60-some lbs. each and have spikes that I have to pull up from the carpet.  Who was it that posted that their speakers each weigh 130+ lbs?  Oh, my aching hernia!)
But the claim was that Linkwitz was a brilliant speaker designer. You would think his speakers would be well known and sought after. That just isnt the case. What makes him so brilliant if few audiophiles care about his speakers?