Fleetwood Mac

Saw an interview the other day on CNN with Mick Fleetwood, Stevie Nicks, Lindsay Buckingham, and Christine McVie. Apparently they're getting back together for a tour (someone ran out of money?). The CNN crawl read "the original Fleetwood Mac back together. Seems they don't remember there was Peter Green, Danny Kirwan, and John McVie. How quickly they forget. I suppose there's a generation who only knows the "Rumours" era Mac. To me there were 3 Macs-the Green and Kirwan Mac, the Bob Welch Mac, and the group mentioned above.
Marty -
Got "The Vaudeville Years". While it has some good music on it, it also has a bit of 'filler' (at least in my opinion); i.e., some tedious and not so funny 'humorous' bits by Jeremy Spencer. It's a 2 CD set and I'm thinking at least a third of the content could have been left out.

I actually don't own that recording (it's one of the few FM recordings that I missed), but I do remember that Jeremy Spencer was notorious for his "stand-up schtick" (including musical impersonations - Elvis was a favorite at one time) at early Mac concerts. Some people loved it, but i wasn't among them. Fortunately, the guy is a bad-ass with a slide on his finger.

BTW, loved the Youtube link you provided on the 19th. Thanx for the heads up.