Benchmark ABH2 compared to Merrill Element Series and other ultra high end amps

The Benchmark ABH2 has received enthusiastic reviews from a number of sources as have the Merrill Element series of amplifiers.  Both are lauded for their low background noise, transparency and neutrality.  However the Benchmark amp, even allowing for its lower power rating, is a fraction of the price of the Merrill Element Series even when one uses two in a bridged monoblock configuration.  Has anyone directly compared the Benchmark ABH2 to the Merrill Element amps or other ultra high end amps such as Soulution, Constellation, etc ?
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I am now using a recently manufactured Coda 15.5 which has the newer low noise input devices.  My perception of a single AHB2 on the CLX are as above  and consistent with lancelock's observations.   The Coda 15.5 is an excellent class A amp and is able to drive the CLX's well with tonal density, dynamics, bass response and excellent detail provided the upstream components including cables can provide such.  My overall impression is that the Coda is more satisfying than a single AHB2, but that the AHB2 may have a small edge in very low level detail retrieval.  In audio, we would like to have it all.
I should add that this small edge was only seen when using an LA4 preamp with the AHB2 input in the lowest gain setting.

I failed to mention that I’ve had the Coda #8 for about 2 weeks and I’m sending it back.  I will be exchanging it for it’s big brother the Coda #16.  I loved the #8 so much that I’m now going straight to the flagship amp as my end game.
I am sure that you will really enjoy the No. 16.  The differences between  the most 15.5's and the new 16 are the inclusion of newer low noise input transistors and an increase in the capacitance in the power supply from 200,000 microfarads in the 15.5 to 280,000 in the 16. I am fortunate to have a 15.5 which has the same lower noise input transistors used in the 16 but I am sure that the augmentation of the power supply will translate to improved performance.  Congratulations.
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