Why don’t tube amps sound like tubes anymore?

When I hear the latest tube amps I’m more reminded of what a solid state amp sounds like than what I remember a tube amp once sounded like. I say that, with most tube amps I hear today, but not all. Gone seems to be the lush tones, warm glow and natural harmonics I used to hear. What I hear is more of a thoroughbred, faster, sharper sound when I listen to a modern tube design today. Then why use tubes?
The so called tube sound slowly disappeared as designers figured out how to further reduce certain distortions and noise. Modern tube amplifiers should not have a characteristic sound, although some may, they should sound like music. You could say the same thing about solid state electronics.
I run two pairs of fully rebuilt and cap-updated 60s tube monoblocks. They are anything but tubey or mellow. Fast, liquid, spacious, colorful, and transparent, with excellent detail, black backgrounds, and no electronic haze.
Is this the spectrum between the tubes and solid state: on one side is "neutral" and on the other side is "tubey"? Or is one end of the spectrum "analytical" and then "neutral" in the middle and "tubey" on the the other end?

I’m also curious how people define "neutral." With modern multitracked recording (w/ overdubs, reverb, panning, tonal choices, etc.) what is neutral? Here, I think of prepared dishes; take lasagna as an example. Is there a "neutral" lasagna? It would seem there are many recipes and many possibilities. If you serve me a hamburger, we’ll have a real problem -- but it will be a category mistake, not a problem with non-neutrality. Plus, since so much music is compressed -- mixed to be heard over non-audiophile gear -- how could a piece of audiophile gear seek to "get back" to "real music"? It's all a concoction, and one largely prepared for non-audiophiles.

With acoustic instruments, "neutral" makes more sense; there’s some degree of reality which can be appealed to; if a clarinet sounds like an alto sax, then there’s something not being reproduced faithfully. But beyond that, a clarinet can be played in different ways, in different halls, etc.

I see the word "neutral" being used to celebrate solid state amps; and for those folks, "tubey" is a put-down. (And we see that those terms "solid state" and "tubes" are largely placeholders for certain aesthetic preferences in sonic presentation.) But what’s really at issue here seems non-resolvable from the start; solid state amps (so to speak) present sound in one way, "tube amps" in a different way. Each presents something *as* music, and then each of us decides if we enjoy it. If not, get something else, roll a tube, pour a beer, etc.
@MOZART Fan: Can you name the integrated tube unit that sounded so natural to you?
I have my reasons to ask and familiar (and sold) many an amp unit "back then".
Perhaps we can get to the "why" this was evident to you if I'm familiar with the product.