Yamamoto YDA-01 DAC

Where / How can I purchase a Yamamoto YDA-01 DAC in NA? I emailed Yamamoto Sound Craft Corp but never got a reply. I don't speak Japanese and was hoping they can read English. LOL!!!
I bought them at the "Parts connecxion",  so the Hegel was replaced by the Yamamoto and Raven combo? I imagine that  resulted in a different sonic character and presentation. 

Basically, yes. I was using the Hegel Rost as an all-in-one (DAC/PRE/AMP). Let me tell you... This thing is a killer piece. I’m really not comfortable with selling it.

The Raven Nighthawk has not arrived yet. I received two emails from FedEx. One days tomorrow, the other says Wednesday.

I’m REALLY looking forward to the the Yamamoto/Raven union.

I just can’t express how happy I am with this Yamamoto. Some people love hyper detailed zip and zap, digital to analog converters. They seem to be all the rage today... Not me. They sound too HiFi and not natural at all.
I sold the Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S speakers.
While they did some things very well, in the end they just weren’t for me.

I replaced them with a pair of Nola Contenders. Much more natural sounding.
I think they’ll be lovely with the Yamamoto and Raven.
I’ll post pictures in my Virtual Systems this week.
“They sound too HFi and not natural at all”
Yep, I completely understand and agree 100%. Again that’s why I have had this DAC for so many years. It just sounds right playing all types of music. I believe you are going to love your Raven amplifier/NOLA pairing.

@charles1dad  I'm thinking of replacing the fuse in my Yamamoto DAC. Do you know what value fuse goes in it? I'm thinking of a Synergistic Orange only because a lot of people talk about it but I really have no idea about what fuses are good these days.