Joseph Audio Pulsars with REL Sub or Perspectives in 11x11 Room?

I am a big Joseph Audio fan since the RM22's . . . Always have loved the house sound.  I am currently running Pulsars on Sound Anchor stands with a REL Storm sub in a small listening room; only 11 x 11 x 11.  I have an opportunity to upgrade to a set of Perspectives.  Can any of you Perspective owners give me some quick thoughts on whether the Perspectives would be too much for such a small listening room?  The loudest that I really listen to them is measured at about 86db at my chair, very rarely more than 90 db.  I run them with a PrimaLuna Dialogue HP (75 watts) or a Plinius SA100 MK III.  Some quick input would be appreciated!
A 10x9x8 room is 720 cubic feet, a 11x11x11 room is 1331 cubic feet. I can see where a 720 cu ft room could be to small but a 1331 cu ft room might not. You're both augmenting the low end with a subwoofer. The question is would the Perspectives be too much without the subwoofer at least that's what I am assuming. With room absorbing for first reflections and maybe some room correction if that's something the OP might be willing to try I can see them working in a 1331 cu ft room. 
@djones51, thanks for that point.  I was just about to forget about the Perspectives, since who would know better than Jeff himself.  However, looking at the cubic feet, there is almost twice the amount of space in my room as that of @rlb61.  I was really looking at length x width more than cubic feet.  I would not think that a sub would work with the Perspectives in my small room, so yes, it would be without a sub!  Now more to ponder!
""Mine are about 2 feet off the wall with 2’x4’ 2inch thick absorption panels behind.""
This was the exact setup I had with my Perspectives when I had them. Worked very well. However, the Pulsar is a little monster, and may even satisfy you without subs. A friend of mine has the Pulsar 2 Graphene's. I can't believe how amazing those are. Big, rich, deep bass. Just incredible.
I suggest that you give Jeff Joseph a call at (800) 474-4434 to get his opinion. Jeff is a great guy and, since he designed the speakers, there's probably nobody better qualified than him to give you the lowdown for your situation.
A little off topic but how do you like the HP / Pulsar combination.  I have a new pair of Perspectives (original) sitting at my dealer while I sell my house and move.  I also have an HP w/ KT-150's.  Just wondering your experience with your combination.