TEAC NT-505 impossible connecting to WiFi router o such LAN: help me please?

Hello mates,
I got my NT-505 3 days ago.
It seems to be working correctly but in my opinion all software in not the same level than the device: too aged & often no relevant documentation or support about.
However my big trouble is the NETWORK interface:  since first time I switched on, the NT-505 remains "for ever"  into NET configuring blinking state until it goes in power stand by.

1. RJ45 cable is ok - tested in several manners
2. the wifi router (1Gb fiber connection) is ok
3. the wifi router ether ports (4) are ok - I checked a bridged LAN configuration too

Testing the NT-505 Ether port It results:

1. the physical level of protocol seems working correctly just on-way: the interface recognizes correctly the bandwidth (Fast ot Giga in my case) end the packet coming from the router are buffered. No packet sent  to the router.

2. At protocol level no ARP session are involved hence impossible retrieve MAC address and trying to do something.


1. Being NET board logically split from MAIN board It's need a separate firmware(!!!): how can I upload the NET firmware if, as stated into documentation, I must use the mobile app and It's impossible connecting the device to such LAN?

2. NO menu interface to configure manually the net parameters.

May someone help me (tricks..., recovery sw,..., low level maintance menu...,...) 

Thank you a lot.

I just upgraded my cable modem and switched to Supra Cat8 Ethernet cable, and had Xfinity run Coax11 as upgrade from Coax6 from street to side of house, and my Teac NT-505 is still running trouble-free after more than a year.

Head-to-head against my Cambridge Azur 851n, it just blows the Azur away in sound quality (although the CA’s display with album artwork is nice).

Glad that Teac is getting these things fixed for those who had problems.

I’d still love to see someone do a head-to-head shootout between the Teac NT-505 and the $4.5k Lumin T2 at more than double the Teac’s $2k msrp.

I also have the CG-10M clock.  I was to
d by my dealer and a long time Audio nerd that, that combination comes very close to the Esoteric streamer.  
@trinhsman Have you done comparisons with and without the clock?  Can you describe the differences?  I've thought about getting the clock, but wonder if it's a subtle or noticeable difference in sound quality.
I have noticed it depends on the quality of the material streamed and how complex the music is.  For the most part is is only subtle.  Occasionally it is really great.  I am personally of the opinion that equipment upstream has a lot on how much you will hear.  If I were to make a suggestion, a dealer with a strong return policy would be best.  That way if you don’t like it you can send it back.  In my case I was going for the best price, so that was not an option unless I wanted a restock fee applied.  
I wish you well.
I got my unit back today.  Wasn’t supposed to be here till Monday and I was supposed to have to sign for it.  Wife and I went to the grocery store.  When we got back, FedEx had put it down by my garage door.
Hooked it up and first try it locked on to the internet.  I was concerned because I had changed out the repeater to a better one that has more Ethernet ports and is supposed to be much faster.  
So far it is working great.  The tech left the songs he tested on the unit.  Can’t be a bad guy, likes Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, etc.  
Keeping my fingers crossed this will be a long term fix.
I forgot just how good this thing is.  Amazing sound.  Even the wife says it sounds better.