Upgrading Kef R100 crossovers

I just picked up some R100’s and am really liking them.  I think that I like them enough to try to squeeze every ounce of performance out of them and am thinking about upgrading ghe crossovers.  There are only a few components so I don’t think that it would cost too much $.  I am not handy with a soldering iron so I’d rather just send the crossover schdmatics to someone and have them send me back complete, new crossovers that I could just plug and play.  

Where / who could do this for me?

And while I am at it, would replacing the batting inside with some no rez be an improvement too?

Thanks ahead of time for any info on this!!
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I’m surprised you aren’t supportive if me custom tuning my speakers for my ears

Get yourself a dsp crossover and get retuning then. 
Danny at GR Research is one of the best and their all new copper caps are said to be the New Holy Grail of Caps!

Have you priced those caps? Cost prohibitive, for sure The coppers, 5uf 100v 200.00 +  20uf is over 400.00 discounted.. 100 volt cap.. There a lot of great XO caps. Danny has more than one selection, or quality of cap, I'm sure, I hope!

Maybe the band pass xo for the mids/highs.. It could cost 2k for a 4 ohm 3 way.  100 volt... man oh man..

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@kenjit , do you have any recommendations regarding dsp?  And I don’t have the money really to buy extra amplifiers...

also, do I bypass the crossovers in the speakers altogether then?  I’m trying to send the signal through higher quality components...