New integrated amp

Hello and good day. I’m trying to decide on one of 3 integrated amps.
2- Plinius Hiato
3- Belles Virtuoso (this one seems to be a long shot, as I’ve been waiting, and watching for its release for 2 1/2 years).
My question is this, why one over the other, what are the strengths and weaknesses of each brand?
I appreciate any feedback.

Call Johnny Rutan at Audio Connection in New Jersey.

All indications are that the Virtuoso really is available now.

David Belles has been building up to this over a long and distinguished career of products.

Jeff,  I have owned a few Coda products over the years and have sat in front of many more.  The CSIB is a very fine product.  I now own a Belles Aria and it is an Excellent product and maybe the best at its price point,  but it is still not quite as good as a Current Coda CSIB....  The Coda is a hint faster, more grunt and is even the slightest bit more refined.  I say current, Doug constantly updates his products and I would take the Belles Aria over a 10+ year old CSI go instance.  I do not have any Plinius experience, so I would just be blowing smoke to comment. I do know that Johnny Rutan will give you a fair shake on opinions,  he is a salesman and will want to sell his product, but he won't lie to you to make a sale. 

@erik_squires.... erik, you are knowledgeable,  you typically give trustworthy advice,  but you do yourself a disservice when you make statements that could lead people to believe that the current Coda sounds like the stuff that you listened to 30 years ago.  I hope that you get a chance to sit in front of some of their new gear, both pre's are great as well as the rest of the lineup.  
Jeff,  I hope this helps,  Tim 
I agree with aewarrens.  You have to listen to them if you can with your system and your audioroom. All my current systems were chosen after a week or two listening to various amps in my home courtesy of my audio dealer.
