Jeff, I have owned a few Coda products over the years and have sat in front of many more. The CSIB is a very fine product. I now own a Belles Aria and it is an Excellent product and maybe the best at its price point, but it is still not quite as good as a Current Coda CSIB.... The Coda is a hint faster, more grunt and is even the slightest bit more refined. I say current, Doug constantly updates his products and I would take the Belles Aria over a 10+ year old CSI go instance. I do not have any Plinius experience, so I would just be blowing smoke to comment. I do know that Johnny Rutan will give you a fair shake on opinions, he is a salesman and will want to sell his product, but he won't lie to you to make a sale.
@erik_squires.... erik, you are knowledgeable, you typically give trustworthy advice, but you do yourself a disservice when you make statements that could lead people to believe that the current Coda sounds like the stuff that you listened to 30 years ago. I hope that you get a chance to sit in front of some of their new gear, both pre's are great as well as the rest of the lineup.
Jeff, I hope this helps, Tim