Oh... right, yes well, even made in my present country of residence, they are. At least they were.
They sure do have a reputation for marvelous sound reproduction. As an aside, so it must have been worth it, to change from custom surfboards to these items. 😉
Still made in Durban, methinks.
Though talking of looks,... can't recall many, if any, mentionings other than more nice descriptions of weird. (fruit hanging from a Kwazulu-Natal Avo tree?)... 😉
Many thanks I say, for your charming response, not given to everyone around this here place.
Yes, of course music, great sounding music MATTERS, no question - but so does presentation of the equipment involved, at least to some, and for sure to me also.
It's a question of balance - as far as a listening- livining-rooms goes.
Man-caves / dens / studios etc. I'm not taking about and can go as way out as can be, they don't qualify as LIVING ROOMS/AREAS as far as I go.
Wanna do stone ugly, freaking weird, etc. to serve some sound ideal, go there, by all means.
But please note, many do not have such luxury, neither do I, neither have most central European folk (were I hail from) either. Most are living in appartments, not out in the country.
Maybe my bad, not having this all spread out from the onset.
Michélle 🇩🇪 - > 🇿🇦 ✔️
Oh... right, yes well, even made in my present country of residence, they are. At least they were.
They sure do have a reputation for marvelous sound reproduction. As an aside, so it must have been worth it, to change from custom surfboards to these items. 😉
Still made in Durban, methinks.
Though talking of looks,... can't recall many, if any, mentionings other than more nice descriptions of weird. (fruit hanging from a Kwazulu-Natal Avo tree?)... 😉
Many thanks I say, for your charming response, not given to everyone around this here place.
Yes, of course music, great sounding music MATTERS, no question - but so does presentation of the equipment involved, at least to some, and for sure to me also.
It's a question of balance - as far as a listening- livining-rooms goes.
Man-caves / dens / studios etc. I'm not taking about and can go as way out as can be, they don't qualify as LIVING ROOMS/AREAS as far as I go.
Wanna do stone ugly, freaking weird, etc. to serve some sound ideal, go there, by all means.
But please note, many do not have such luxury, neither do I, neither have most central European folk (were I hail from) either. Most are living in appartments, not out in the country.
Maybe my bad, not having this all spread out from the onset.
Michélle 🇩🇪 - > 🇿🇦 ✔️