Do speakers take time to warm up?

For example, if my stereo is on and has been on for weeks, and then I connect speakers that have been sitting idle for a few weeks, do the speakers sound better after an hour of being played?  Whats going on?  Is it the caps in the crossover, the drivers, the ferrofluid in the tweeters?  All of the above?
I always enjoy reading responses to a question like this; very humorous (and mostly b.s.).  Gosh, what about temperature, humidity, and altitude changes?
I use pink noise track (#15) on Stereophile Test CD when I turn on the stereo after it has been shutdown for sometime. I shutdown the system whenever I am traveling. I unplug everything even if my wife is at home.

So when I turn the system back on, I find running the pink noise track helps to bring the system back to normal. I run this track very loud at 12 or 1 o’ clock position. This has nothing to do with breaking-in of components, but rather forcing all of the components in the chain to come alive.

My main issue is I have tube preamp, DAC, and phone stage. So no matter how hard I try, I still need to wait until tubes warm up and settle down. But pink noise certainly help to get the rust out of speakers drivers if any quickly after not using for sometime. However, I don’t feel the need to do this everyday or every time I sit down for a listening session.
Hope this helps.
+1 @pwerahera I do the same thing. I have a 70 minute disc of pink noise at all frequencies that I let run for half an hour or so at high volume. Great for the entire system.
@douglas_schroeder , do you believe that the speakers mechanical parts need to be warmed up at all, like a cars engine when you start it in the morning?  Like the surround and voice coils Need to loosen up a bit?  
What about caps in the speaker?  
Caps in the amp?  If I leave my amp on 24/7 it’s warm and teady to go whenever, right?

Thanks for the response!