"Ok boomer" is a dismissive term of derision used by kids who have been programmed by our public schools to find wisdom and eternal truths incomprehensibly difficult to understand.
He rents, you own. He consumes experiences, you accumulate wealth. People so hopelessly programmed are often beyond reach. About the only thing that might work is if you can find on LP some music he really likes and is into so much he actually stops what he's doing and listens to it. Which is unlikely. Nobody sits and listens to streaming. It plays in the background like glorified elevator Muzak. But if there is such a thing, and if his attention span hasn't been atomized down to the millisecond level, you just might be able to get him to listen long enough to a record to maybe for the first time in his life experience actual music.
But anyone who says to their grandfather Ok boomer, I wouldn't hold my breath.
He rents, you own. He consumes experiences, you accumulate wealth. People so hopelessly programmed are often beyond reach. About the only thing that might work is if you can find on LP some music he really likes and is into so much he actually stops what he's doing and listens to it. Which is unlikely. Nobody sits and listens to streaming. It plays in the background like glorified elevator Muzak. But if there is such a thing, and if his attention span hasn't been atomized down to the millisecond level, you just might be able to get him to listen long enough to a record to maybe for the first time in his life experience actual music.
But anyone who says to their grandfather Ok boomer, I wouldn't hold my breath.