Bose 901 Series ii

I own a set of Bose 901s with the equalizer.  I have them paired to a Carver pm700 200wpc amp, and am using a Harmon Kardon 630 for the pre-amp and tuner?  Any suggestions for something that might put out a little better sound and not break the bank?  And yes I know, no highs not lows must be Bose.
The new 901s sound much better, brutal lows, singing highs. Try to find a pair on Craigs list.
Wow, what a range of answers.   I believe that BillStevenson gave the most reliable answer.  I've sat in front of series 2, 3, 4 & 5,  of those,  I felt series 2 sounded the best.  
I'd have to ask you what you are trying to achieve.  If you are after true to life sound and better imaging, many speakers would do a better job.  Elac come to mind, but understand, compared to 901's,  initially, they may very well sound lifeless to you.  You would most likely have to take some time to reacclimate yourself to this new sound.  The Bose have a big stage, but no real imaging, alot of character and flow that I can see why people like them.  They are not for me,  but I love tight clean focused imaging.