what do you think of transparent reference mm1

Hi, I finally purchased my speakers. (Wilson Sophias mk 2) and am know listening w/ 12 g AR speaker cable(just so I could get placement in my listening room.
I want to get a high quality cable that will add to my system. I am powering the system with a Macintosh ma 2275 integrated amp and on the receiving end I have the Sophia's.
I have heard alot of accolades for Transparent Cables (especially from the Wilson Factory people). Please feel free to give me your insights as I would love to maximize the music i listn to.
After your new cables break-in you may want to re-positioning your speakers to their different sonic presentation!!!!
Iv'e been using the Transparent Ultra speaker cables for a few years now and don't think there is much better bang for the buck . I will likely move up to there first level of Reference ( the Ref 2 ) when finances allow . I noticed the big wigs at Revel and Levinson use Transparent exclusively . I'm not as confident with there power cords , A few years back I purchased one of there MM power cords and had a hard time finding a home for it . Only place it seemed to shine was with my Levinson DAC . After much trial and error we found the Shunyada cords worked well where ever they were installed . But I'm not a big fan of Shunyata's speaker cables or interconnects , there's better out there for the same dollar . Please chime back in with your opinion on the new cables .
I recently added Transparent Reference MM1 cabling all around. It is the best cabling I've had in my system ever. I've used MIT Oracle V2.1s, Analysis Plus Silver Ovals & Big Silver Ovals. Transparent's performance dwarfs the others. I own Sashas, Lamm M1.2 mono amps, and a dCS front end. This is the last cable company I'll use.