Shootout of Nos 6sn7 tubes

I will have shootout between TS BGRP, RCA vt231, KR vt231, Syl vt231, Raytheon vt 231 and "Bad boy" next weekend.

If I get MELZ 6N8S 6SN7 Metal Base next week, then I will also include it in shootout

RCA5691, Psavne Acme 300B, Psavne Acme 805 are also being used in Line Magnetic 508 amplifier.

Speaker will be Lansche 4.1 with plasma tweeter.

Digital source will be Dave and HMS fed by ripped CD stored in ssd drive of Cocktail audio x30.

I will play

Eva Cassidy's 'Autumn Leaves"

"Trinity Sessionn " by Cowboy Junkies

For classical orchestra, "Trittico" directed by Fennel.

"Still harry after all these years" will be for fusion jazz.

Any more suggestion gentlemen and ladies.


Thanks for your recommendation.

But there is no best thing for everybody.

It will depend on system and personal taste.

Also some audio gadgets are overpriced with hype or due to law of diminishing return.

I found Telefunken 6sn7 is listed at 1,600$ from Italy

I have more than enough 6sn7(17 different kinds total 70 tubes)

Thus I am going to stop purchase of more 6sn7 tubes.

Since my speakers with plasma tweeter and Dave and HMS is on the neutral or somewhat analytical side ( not warm or bloated) , my preference without considering cost is

1. 1578 Melz
2. TS bgrp
3. Syl vt231
4. Kenrad vt231 bg
5. Raytheon vt231
6. RCA vt231 gray bottle
7 6n8s made in 1978
8. Syl 1952 "Bad boy" three hole.
9 Syl 6sn7w brown base
10 Syl gtb tall bottle made in 1955
11 RCA gray bottle
12 Shuguang Treasure CV181-Z ( New production)
14.. Tungsol gtb tall bottle made in 1950’s
15. Amperex GTB
16. New production 6n8s ( stock tube of Schitt Freya)
17. New production Tungsol GTB

Good to see the posts above. In particular, the notes about the Melz 1578. Those were impossible to find for a while but now it looks like a batch has shown up from somewhere and there are multiple dealers selling them.

Please - those of you who are trying them out - please continue to share your impressions and also your trusted sellers with best price and delivery.

Best regards,


I had got new one from  this dealer.

It took only a week from Russia to get to Washington State.

One of 1578 tube need more than 20 minutes warmup before some high frequency noise is gone..

After playing one hour it seems to be fine
I bought a pair of the Melz 1578 from the seller @shkong78 recommended for my Modwright LS 100.  I played them for a while last night and they sounded really good right out of the box (I had the LS 100 in HTBP mode for about an hour to get them warmed up, watching TV).

They are detailed, dynamic, and the bass is prominent with a texture that I have not heard in my system before.  Pithy might be a good description of the sound of the bass.  The soundstage was expanded and there seemed to be more separation between the instruments.  I can't wait for them to break in a little more. 

They were one of the best bang for the buck upgrades I've made to my system.  I've used Shuguang CV-181, the stock Tung-Sol tubes, Sylvania Chrome Domes, Sylvania 6SN7GTA "tall boys", and Sophia Electric clear and blue tubes.  The 1578s were the best by far.
Congratulation big_greg

But I have a problem with one of tube.

KR is dead quiet, but 1578 has hum and high frequency noise until 20 minutes warmup.

I am going to wait few more days before I contact the dealer.