Focal Kanta No 2

Would anyone be in support of upgrading from Kef Q-750's to the beautiful Focal Kanta No2's? I can't keep my eyes off of them and looking for forever (for now) speakers. Currently running Evo400 Integrated, which to my understanding should power them off of the EL34's without a problem. I'm not too sure if there is a dealer in my near vicinity to hear in person. The Kanta No 2's are actually above my price range so I'm not looking to go any higher. Thoughts/concerns? 
Should absolutely be a big upgrade and they are sexy speakers for sure. I would be worried about powering them with that integrated. Focals like power they may sound overly bright with tubes and the slam they are capable of. 
“Focals like power they may sound overly bright with tubes and the slam they are capable of.”

I didn’t realize how efficient the Kanta’s are compared to previous focals.

I think the Kantas are gorgeous!  I’d say wait until you can find a preowned pair. It might take a month or two, or three, but I’d bet you can save a couple grand...

Why would tubes make a Beryllium driver sound brighter. I thought tubes would be beneficial in taming a brighter speaker?

BTW - I have seen some recent ads for a new Kanta 2 for $6K from dealers.