Buget Components

I`m looking for a  separate pre-amp and power amp, or integrative amp for $2,500 used.
Doesn`t need a DAC built in.
Something that`s great sounding.     I don`t want a surround processor.
I listen to very loud rock to jazz and blues.
I listen to CD`S and Cassette, not too much LP`S
I have a great PS Audio pre-amp which I love, but can`t be rebuilt because PS- Audio doesn`t make the parts anymore  .The unit  over 30 years old.
I have a Bryson power amp(250 Watts at 8ohms) Which I could keep.
I have an Oppo CD player.
I have B & W speakers

My room is 15 feet by 15 feet.

PS - Does anyone know who could upgrade my PS Audio 5,5 pre-amp?


If the Bryston is still working well (they never seem to fail), I would put the money towards a high quality tubed preamp.  If you don't want to deal with tubes, then a SS preamp like the Wyred 4 Sound preamp would be a good choice.  With a $2500 budget, you can get a nice preamp that will be the heart of your system.  

Cheers, Scott