Low volume listening dynamics

Hey all, question: I listen to music at a relatively low volume, but I still want the clarity to hear the details. So, will a high sensitivity speaker/driver (95 and above) give me more detail at lower volume than a less sensitive speaker? Or am I on the track in my logic (not the first time)? Or are my ears getting old? Thanks all!
Mike, sitting closer is just turning up the volume. It certainly helps negating any room problems.
The beauty of having 8 foot line source dipole speakers is that you are always near field even 12 feet away. 
Irregardless of the equipment being used and the room are in you can not magically overcome the Fletcher-Munson effect. Bass and treble have to be boosted to match the volume level or you will be missing low bass and detail. 
The only way to overcome this without an advanced digital system is to adjust the volume until things sound right and there is not a single level. It depends on the way the recording was mastered. Some records don't sound right at lower levels others hurt if you play them too loud. 
This is for serious listening. For background music it really does not matter. 
Not trying to open up a can of worms but I did get some low level punch when I got a dedicated circuit with only the amp on the line. I also listen mostly at low volumes. Speaker placement/room characteristics I'm sure help...but probably the thing I've noticed the most is that component matching really helps.

That said, my Primaluna Evo 400 power amp does a wonderful job with low volume bass.  

Thanks to everyone for sharing your expertise and experiences. Gives me a ton to think about.
Your ears are NOT old enough to remember loudness.
Buchardt seems like they have figured it out.
The future.