Best cheap integrated amp

I'm looking to minimize my system in retirement, as I find my stereo gets minimal use. I'm looking to buy a NEW integrated amplifier under $500. 
For now I will keep my TT, DAC, and phono preamp. Next I will downsize to smaller speakers. My current system is listed in virtual systems.
Thank you. 
You can pick up a Yaqin tube integrated for around 500.40 wpc.I own the tube buffer that I use on the outputs of my cd player into my preamp and it works great.

what tube buffer... can you post a link to the model? what does the tube buffer do to the sound quality?
What are you trying to achieve by downsizing?  Pulling money out of your system?  Ease of use?  Less clutter visually?

you have a nice system... i really like your integrated that you have now and your speakers...  

possibly just keep those, ditch everything else and get a bluesound node 2i.  Control your system and music selection on your phone.

Or, sell everything and go this route?