In case you need a new "source" for audiophile units.....

Well, right now there are 6,400+ listings on ebay with the word Audiophile in them.  I think I will pull the radio out of the old Hudson Hornet and list it on ebay.  Everyone knows the SOTA radios in the Hudsons were audiophile. 

The term "Buyer Beware" is beyond its original intent.  Too bad P.T. Barnum isn't still alive, he would make even more money.

I get a kick out of sellers on flea bay that have a 1970’s receiver that was not very good back then, clean it up, call it vintage and think it’s high end.  If it was crap 50 years ago, it is still crap today. 
"Vintage" has taken on a deeper meaning these days.

A millennial or Gen Z see's something made in 80's as "rare"